

Q. 什么是C-ID?

A. "C-ID [Course Identification Numbering System] is a supranumbering system being developed to ease the transfer and articulation burdens in California’s higher educational institutions.”(来源: C-ID的主页.)你也可以在 “关于C-ID!网页. 在日常语言中, it boils down to a common-course-numbering system that provides a mechanism to identify comparable courses (mostly lower-division courses) among a wide swath of California's public colleges and universities. It is similar in concept to the old California Articulation Number (CAN) system, but has broader support from the California legislature and from the UC system.

Q. 什么是描述符?

A. "The C-ID number is a designation that ties that course to a specific course 'descriptor' that was developed by intersegmental discipline faculty and reviewed statewide. 它为学生提供信息, 工作人员, and faculty who must identify which community college courses best meet the expectations transfer partners have for courses that contribute to transfer into a major at specific universities.”(来源: 关于C-ID! 页面.)实际上, a community college course approved to bear a C-ID number guarantees that the course meets standards of rigor, 内容, 和目标 that make it transferable to any California public university that accepts comparable courses (with the same C-ID number) from other community colleges. The descriptor lays out the standards a course must meet in order to gain a C-ID numerical designation.

Q. 什么是COR ??

A. Depending on the institution, it is either the Course Outline of Record, or the Course on Record. 不管官方头衔是什么, 这是一个课程大纲, the 内容s of which describe the legal expectation of a given course's topics and learning objectives, 以及其他重要信息.

Q. 我的课程大纲必须与描述完全匹配吗?

A. No, but it should be similar enough that it is clear to neutral reviewers that it has comparable rigor, 内容, 和目标. The next section gives details on just how similar the outlines must be. 


Q. 我需要提交我自己的C-ID课程吗?

A. 不,这是发音官的工作. 出于这个原因, it is best that you work with the articulation officer as you develop or revise the course. The course cannot be submitted for C-ID designation until it is fully approved at the college and district levels.

Q. Does my course have to have the same prerequisites and corequisites as the descriptor?

A. "The outline must have (at minimum) the same prerequisite or corequisite as is listed on the descriptor. Course outlines may contain a prerequisite or corequisite where there is none required by the descriptor. Prerequisites or corequisites in addition to or at a higher level than those required by a descriptor are also permitted. 描述符通知只是强烈的建议.(资料来源:C-ID发音官员指南.)

Q. Does my course have to have the same 内容 as the descriptor?

A. "The COR does not have to include the exact same number of 内容 areas listed in the descriptor, 或者确切的语言. 然而, holistically, the COR must address the 内容 required by the descriptor. An element that is contained in one part of the descriptor may be inferred from another component of the COR. There is no expectation that any element of the COR will be consistent with the descriptor in a word-for-word manner.(资料来源:C-ID发音官员指南.)

Q. Does my course have to have the same course objectives as the descriptor?

A. "The COR does not have to include the exact same number of objectives listed in the descriptor, 或者确切的语言. 然而, holistically, the COR must address the requirements of the descriptor objectives.(资料来源:C-ID发音官员指南.)

Q. Does my course have to offer the same unit credit as the descriptor?

A. 描述符单位是所需的最小单位. The course outline may contain more units but not fewer units then as indicated on the descriptor.(资料来源:C-ID发音官员指南.)

Q. Does my course have to have the same methods of evaluation as the descriptor?

A. "The methods of evaluation listed on a descriptor are examples unless otherwise indicated. Course outlines must indicate methods of evaluation that validate the course 内容. 然而, there may be methods of evaluation listed on the descriptor that are inherently necessary for the 内容 of a particular course (e.g.(英语课程的论文).(资料来源:C-ID发音官员指南.)

Q. Does my course have to have the same textbook(s) as the descriptor?

A. "Textbooks listed on a descriptor are examples unless otherwise indicated. Course outlines submitted to C-ID must include material in this area as appropriate for the discipline and course. 符合既定的发音政策, the expectation is that at least one of the textbooks will have a publication date within seven (7) years of the course outline approval date. There may be cases in which a more recent text is expected (e.g., a technology course), the publication date is less relevant (e.g., 文学中的经典原始资料, 哲学, 或历史), or an exception exists relevant to the particulars of the discipline in question.(资料来源:C-ID发音官员指南.) 

那么,什么才是真正的一致性福音呢? 改变. 谁是真正始终如一的人? 改变的人. Since change is the law of his being, he cannot be consistent if he stick in a rut." -- 马克吐温

