
  • 喜欢的名字: 茱莉莎或者朱莉·德卢娜
  • 代词: 她/
  • 语言: 英语 & 西班牙语(hablo español)
  • 主要: 机械工程 

有趣的事实:   我是第一代拉丁裔大学生. I love Disneyland despite the fact that my favorite movie is Shrek (the first one is the best). 另外,我最喜欢的颜色是粉红色!

作为STEM领航员,我最期待的是: Being there for other first-generation college students when they feel like they are in this alone and to give them first hand experience and advice to guide students to pursue their best selves in the STEM community.


  • 喜欢的名字: 凯文·兰格
  • 代词: 他/他
  • 语言: 英语 & 西班牙语(hablo español)
  • 主要: 计算机科学

有趣的事实: 我喜欢训练,你几乎每天都能在健身房找到我.

作为STEM领航员,我最期待的是: 看着和我一起工作的人成长. 不管他们是否在STEM, I hope to spark an interest in science and mathematics in other people. I want to show that STEM is universal and that with guidance anyone can be successful.


  • 喜欢的名字: 伊莎贝拉还是伊萨
  • 代词: 她/她/埃拉
  • 语言: 英语 & 学习西班牙语 
  • 主要: 生物医学工程

有趣的事实: ​​ A fun fact about me is that no matter where I go, I always have snacks. 

作为STEM领航员,我最期待的是: I look forward to sharing information about resources on campus that would have helped me when I was new to campus because there are so many resources that could help everyone succeed and reach their potential


  • 喜欢的名字: 茉莉花年代. 
  • 代词: 她/
  • 语言: 英语 & 学习西班牙语 
  • 主要: 生物学

有趣的事实: ​​ I was born in West Covina and was raised in both 奥克斯纳德 and 澳门皇家赌城在线. I love spending time at the beach, going outside, and spending time with my family. 我喜欢的一个爱好是和男朋友一起尝试新餐馆. I have always loved science ever since I was young and had a major interest within STEM courses. 我是澳门皇家赌城在线的第一代大学生, 我的计划是在2024年春季之前转到加州大学的一所学校. I love getting thai tea boba from Rice By Mama, and my favorite reggae band is called Rebelution

作为STEM领航员,我最期待的是: What I am looking forward to as a STEM Navigator is to helping STEM students with both academic and moral support, and    sharing my knowledge with others in order to help benefit the campus community.


  • 喜欢的名字: 马里亚纳Marceleno
  • 代词: 她/她/埃拉
  • 语言: 英语 & 西班牙语 
  • 主要: 生物学

有趣的事实: 我喜欢音乐,喜欢了解太空!

作为STEM领航员,我最期待的是: What I am looking forward to as a STEM Navigator is to a year full of meeting new people and helping you all. It’s a pleasure to be able to provide guidance and support when you need it. 这也是我成长和学习新技能的机会.


  • 喜欢的名字: 马修·科尔特斯
  • 代词: 他/他
  • 语言: 英语 
  • 主要: 生物学

有趣的事实: 我的脸上有一个伤疤,是我被狗咬的时候留下的.

作为STEM领航员,我最期待的是: What I am looking forward to as a STEM Navigator is working with my peers and being able to guide them in the right direction. Also I want to see what I can learn from the program as well as what I can bring to it.


  • 喜欢的名字: 茉莉一.
  • 代词: 她/她/埃拉
  • 语言: 英语 & 西班牙语 
  • 主要: 机械工程 

有趣的事实: 我喜欢户外活动! 我喜欢远足、跑步、骑自行车和在海滩追逐日落. I also enjoy Mexican music and dancing so I often go to bailes and jaripeos! 祝你好运!

作为STEM领航员,我最期待的是: What I am looking forward to as a STEM Navigator is connecting with peers who also share the same interest or passion in this field. 总的来说,玩得开心,创造新的记忆!


卡瑞娜 STEM学生
  • 喜欢的名字: 卡瑞娜
  • 代词: 她/她/埃拉
  • 语言: 英语 & 西班牙语 
  • 主要: 机械工程

有趣的事实: 我有一只宠物跳蜘蛛叫憨豆. 我也喜欢睡觉和享受阅读.

作为STEM领航员,我最期待的是: What I’m most looking forward to as a STEM Navigator is connecting with other students. I hope to inspire students to pursue an education in STEM by sharing my own experience. I also want to be able to help students become more involved on campus by joining clubs & 利用他们可用的资源.