
  1. How do I get started with distance education/taking online classes?

  2. I am trying to register for the online orientation but I get 错误信息, “无法自我注册.“我该怎么办呢??

  3. I can’t log in to the MyVCCCD portal. It says that I locked my account or my password is incorrect.

  4. 我今天报了一个班, and the instructor sees me on his or her classlist, but I still can’t access the Desire2Learn/Canvas part of the course.

  5. I am enrolled in an online class but I still cannot access the class online after the 24-hour delay. I've also 电子邮件ed the teacher a few times and haven't heard back.

  6. 我想加你的课程. Can you give me an access code?

  7. 我在等一门课. 我如何获得访问权限?

  8. I can’t take the midterm or final on campus. 我该怎么吃?

  9. I’m authorized for double time or time and a half on a test, or I have some other accommodation. How do I make sure I receive it?

  10. My internet crashed during an exam and then my time ran out so I couldn’t finish my test. 你能帮我重置一下吗?


  1. How do I get started with distance education/taking online classes?
    For information about course content or on-campus responsibilities, you need to contact your instructor.

    There are a few other resources available for you:
    尝试访问我们的 澳门英皇赌城在线 页面. Here we have the basic steps to registering at 澳门皇家赌城在线大学, along with a 准备评估 to find out if you are ready to start taking online courses.

  2. I am trying to register for the online orientation but I get 错误信息, “无法自我注册.“我该怎么办呢??
    发送电子邮件至 VCDEStudentHelp@vcccd.edu. 包括你的名字, your 学号(900号), 错误信息, and we will fix the problem for you.

  3. I can't log in to the MyVCCCD portal. It says that i locked my account or my password is incorrect.
    “忘记用户名”?和“忘记密码了。?" links on the portal sign in 页面. If you don't know or can't remember the answers to the secret questions you set up, 你可以浏览 学生联络中心 and they can reset your password. 您将需要一个有效的带照片的身份证件.

  4. 我今天报了一个班 and the instructor sees me on his/her class list, but I still can't access the Canvas part of the course.
    There is an approximately 24-hour delay from the time you register until the time you are enrolled in the Canvas 当然壳. Canvas and the program you use to register for courses only sync up once a day, starting very early in the morning. If you register for a class, you should be able to access it in Canvas 第二天.

  5. I am enrolled in an online class but I still cannot access the class online after the 24-hour delay. I've also 电子邮件ed the teacher a few times and haven't heard back.
    你们班是a班吗? 起步晚 class? This may be the reason why the instructor is not replying or why you cannot access the course yet. If that is not the case, please 电子邮件 us at VCDEStudentHelp@vcccd.edu 用你的全名, 学号(900号), and the CRN number of the class you are trying to access.

  6. 我想加你的课程. Can you give me an access code?
    You will need to speak directly to the instructor for information about adding and dropping courses. They are the only ones with access to add codes.

  7. 我在等一门课. 我如何获得访问权限?
    You will have access to your class in Canvas while you are on the waitlist. You will need to officially add the course to not be dropped after the drop date. Contact your instructor to get an add code. 
  8. I can’t take the midterm or final on campus. 我该怎么吃?
    You can work with the instructor and the distance education office to find a proctor. A proctor will need to be someone who works at a local community 大学, 大学, 大学, 或者你附近的图书馆. Typically that person works in the office of distance ed or some kind of proctoring center. They must have a work 电子邮件 (no Gmail, Yahoo!, hotmail等.), 可验证的 联系信息. 学生 in the military can also work with someone on base/post to arrange a proctor. 一旦监考官被选中, the student should 电子邮件 his or her instructor the proctor's pertinent information (name, 职称, 电话号码, 电子邮件地址, 等.) The instructor will be in contact with the proctor to make sure the midterm is set up properly and to relay any instructions about the exam to the proctor.

  9. I’m authorized for double time or time and a half on a test, or I have some other accommodation. How do I make sure I receive it?
    The fastest way to get it set up is to have the VC counselor who authorized you for the extended time or other accommodations to 电子邮件 your instructor with the pertinent information (your name, 学生证, 这门课的CRN, 还有住宿条件).

  10. My internet crashed during an exam and then my time ran out so I couldn’t finish my test. 你能帮我重置一下吗?
    The Distance Ed office can’t reset quizzes or exams without the instructor’s permission. Please contact your instructor with the situation.

For further help or questions, please contact us at VCDEStudentHelp@vcccd.edu 或致电(805)289-6452.